Our Nursery
We are a strong team of very experienced and dedicated practitioners and we were very proud when we were awarded an Ofsted rating of Outstanding (September 2016). We work closely with our families and the local community to promote cultural and environmental links as well as a sense of belonging.
The Teacher in the Nursery is Mrs. Claire Dargie who is supported by qualified Nursery Nurses; each has their own key group of children. Having Key Workers helps the children settle and build relationships in the nursery more quickly. The team work closely to support the children in their play, making observations and assessments of the children’s progress along with recording their interests.
Why choose our Nursery?
The Nursery Class at Shepton Mallet Infants’ School and Nursery has strong links with the main school. This means we have a unique opportunity to provide a smooth transition in to a mainstream school environment. The children from Nursery enjoy going into our school for singing assemblies and workshops and other school activities, and this prepares them well for school life anywhere. Their work is displayed in the school. They have the opportunity to see and talk to their siblings in the outdoor play areas. The children often meet Mrs Thompson the Head Teacher and other members of school staff who come in to Nursery to see them. In addition to this, the Nursery children are visited by the older children from time to time and have many opportunities to share learning with them.
There is a transition programme in place for children starting our Reception class in September. This involves informal visits to the Reception classes during the summer term, where groups of children are supported by a member of the Pre-school team to play alongside the current reception children. They get to know the staff and the environment before they join the class in September, making their start to school life smoother and more relaxed.
To help your child at home:
• Count at every opportunity
• Learn their colours with them
• Share story books with your child
• Learn simple shapes with them
• Encourage your child to dress themselves and help them fasten their coats
Would like to find out more?
If you want to visit our wonderful nursery, please click on the picture ‘eyworks’ below to send us an enquiry form. We aim to respond within 48 hours.