Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) is: Mrs Elaine Hewitt

Our Nursery Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is: Mrs Claire Dargie

Our SEN Governor is: Mrs K Lovell

A Message from Mrs Hewitt our SENCO 

This area of the website provides parents of children with SEN or parents with concerns about their child with information and advice.

We hope that you find this information useful to give you knowledge regarding our SEN provision.

We are also happy to speak with you either on the telephone or personally at school.

The changes in the Children and Families Bill and the introduction of a New SEN Code of Practice, affect the way children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) are supported in schools. The new approach began in September 2014 and places pupils at the centre of planning. The key principles of the new legislation are:

• Children and their families should be involved in discussions about the support they need, so they can share their knowledge and feed back to the school on the young person’s progress.

• Education, Health and Care plans (EHCPs) will replace statements of special educational needs. New assessments for additional educational needs will follow the EHCP guidelines from September 2014. (Existing statements will remain in force until all children and young people have completed the transition, which will be within three years).

• School Action and School Action Plus will cease and be replaced by a single SEN Support category for children who need extra specialist support. 

 In order for a child to be placed on the special educational needs (SEN) register they must have a learning difficulty or physical disability that creates a barrier to their learning and means that without provision which is different from or additional to that normally available to their peers, they make significantly less progress than is expected.

 Their needs may be in the following areas:

• Communication and Interaction

• Cognition and Learning

• Social, Emotional and Mental Health

• Physical or Sensory difficulties

For policy documents relating to SEND, please visit the Policies page on this website.

For information about the Somerset’s Local Offer please visit

For information about the SEND code of practice please visit

For information about core standards please visit